One From The Vault



And I believe that run is meant to be directed towards who you were meant or destined to be. 

I think where things get more complicated than they need be is when certain people take on...

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Moving Past Suffering Apr 03, 2023

There were two main reasons I was drawn to Buddhism when I went on my tour of religion. 

After opening up and experiencing all religions, I picked up and took away many gold nuggets of personal growth, self-discovery, faith, and hope from them all. However, I was always left in a state of...

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The End of Struggle: Dragon Thots Mar 13, 2023

The mind makes an excellent servant but a poor master.

What is your current reality? Are you struggling? What is your relationship with struggle? How do you define it? Is that the only definition?

It’s pretty cool to evaluate this descriptive word we use to explain to others the fact that...

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Scar Tissue Mar 05, 2023

Thinking about the wounds and scars I’ve acquired along the way.

We speak about letting go of the past. What makes this difficult is when you carry the scar tissue from them. Hard to get rid of them and therefore hard to forget.

This struck a chord with me and reminded me of the Legend of...

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The Value of Immortality Jan 23, 2023

What makes humans so unique is that we know we’re going to die. It’s unavoidable and unique to our species. Although scary and unpredictable, it does represent the very reason we do anything. 

The gift of immortality.

Think about it? If you could choose to live forever, would...

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Insanity Jan 09, 2023

What are your plans?

Probably one of the most powerful forms of awakening is that of recognizing a negative feedback loop that’s running in your software. By software I mean your program that’s been programmed into your subconscious and keeps running under the impression that it is...

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Thinking Dec 12, 2022

It’s fascinating to sit in observation of the mind and its wandering thoughts. It has the ability to think everything about everything. Sometimes its dark passenger can produce thoughts that would place you straight in prison should the authorities find out. Other times, it may produce...

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Mindfulness Nov 29, 2022

Are You a mindful person? What does that mean to you? Does it translate more towards the idea of having a mind full of stuff? Ideas, thoughts, and interpretations of feelings? Or is it more about the act of being aware and conscious of all things? The good and the bad. The positive and the...

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The Greatest Myth Nov 21, 2022

The greatest myth in life is that we have time. Typically in your blind spot, this myth is usually perceived by the mentor, coach, or teacher. They vested in you and in place to guide and support someone on your journey. 

Today, I would represent the teacher. My role in your day is to bring...

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The All Mighty Nov 11, 2022

I assume you thought of the big guy in the sky when I said The All Mighty. Don’t get me wrong. Big ups to the G.O.D. However, today I’m referring to you.

When I hear  the word might, I’ve retired my perceptions to correlate it with the power of...

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This Too Shall Pass Nov 06, 2022

"This too shall pass."

Such a powerful statement and reminder to offer yourself or another during hard times of struggle. The main challenge we face during these times are not the times themselves. They are the feelings and perceptions connected with the times. When facing change and challenging...

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Fueling Oct 29, 2022

Have you ever been in a situation where you’ve nearly run out of gas and just pulled into the fueling station?

Two observations of this scenario. One, when we have an empty tank, we try to fill it up. Two, before filling it up next time, ask the car if it’s hungry or thirsty. If it...

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