One From The Vault

You Are Here

Feb 13, 2022

Your mind is not a battlefield between good and evil. Both sides belong to you. Your mind is both yours and not yours, depending on the degree to which you are mindful and conscious of how it works. How it’s been programmed and it’s good intentions.

The key to being peaceful is the radical acceptance of all things in your mind as useful yet not always important.

The Buddhists talk about the Middle Way. The place in between where you were and where you are going in your racing mind. This lands you in the present moment where all is well. The place that is neither here nor there. No man’s land. Just a place of present time acceptance of all things that exist in the now. No distinction of good or bad.

The Gardner takes his garbage and has the sense to make compost with it. With this compost he grows a beautiful flower 🌸 that makes people smile. That beautiful flower contains both the flower and the compost in its creation. That flower again turns into compost and gives rise to another flower.

Each day we wake and rise up, we are an expression of where we’ve been yet in the present moment. The expression of your past is now in the present as you’ve used it like the compost to create the perfection of where you are in the now.

Here in this moment you have. You possess more potential for growth, happiness and fulfillment than you ever imagined because you’re free from the idea that your life exists in the past or future. You’ve simply created the compost to grow your future flower 🌸 and life continues to go on. Your children are an expression of you and like the flower, you can see you in them. Yet they too don’t live in your past and only embrace you as a useful part of themselves. Practice this by simplifying where your thoughts are. Focus only on your breath and current reality. You are here and that’s perfect for now. Be patient and wait for now to become later.