Who is Dragon?

Dr. JC Doornick “Dragon” comes from a fascinating life and family history full of pioneers in the entertainment industry and professional athletes. Later in life becoming a servant to the people as a Doctor of Chiropractic and Cofounder of a worldwide Humanitarian relief organization serving the third world with health, education, housing and food. Receiving awards such as the Humanitarian of the Year. What most would consider a privileged life, it came with a dark side connected with substance abuse, divorce and abandonment. AKA “The Dark Ages”.

Struggling with the realities of being a workaholic, not showing up for his kids and a failing marriage, he found himself in dire straits in need of a shift. With the help and guidance of some key mentors ā€œAngelsā€ and a voracious hunger for self discovery and personal growth, he experienced a physical, mental and financial breakthrough losing 80 lbs, reclaiming his health. Tapping into a Lifestyle Transformation and Coaching company he transformed his mind and started living his life around the things that mattered most. He and his soul mate and wife Mieke went on to build an international Virtual Health Transformation and Lifestyle Coaching company that serves the USA and parts of Asia which helped them create a 7 figure income from home and leave their 9-5 jobs to live their lives around the things that matter most.


Dragon frequently takes the stage and speaks to live audiences upwards of 11,000. With their two sons and adopted daughter “Duckie” they travel the world creating memories and seeking adventure and experiences. This life transformation gave RISE TO THE DRAGON, a once considered mythical creature that the world spoke of yet can’t prove ever existed. The Dragon represents that version of yourself you don’t believe is possible and the RISE UP WITH DRAGON PODCAST is all about unlocking and freeing people from their programmed mental prisons and back on track dreaming big. We interview guests that have great stories of transformation and created products and services that serve humanity to greatness. You can look forward to bigger and better things including the world’s greatest story ever told in the release of his upcoming book. Name to be released soon.

Who is Chicken?

Mieke Doornick, ā€œMee-kahā€, aka (Chicken šŸ”)Ā Mieke'sĀ path to therapy has been anything but ordinary. Twelve years ago, she took a leap of faith and packed her entire life into a single suitcase, leaving South Africa behind to build a new chapter in the United States. Today, she is blessed with a beautiful family and a career that fills her with passion and purpose. Although she initially pursued acting, she soon discovered her true calling: working closely with clients like you, witnessing their personal growth, and helping them thrive! There's nothing more fulfilling to her than connecting with individuals one-on-one and making them feel seen, heard, and understood.Ā 

Specializing in bipolar disorder, mood disorders, and anxiety disorders, Mieke is also a passionateĀ Sexologist dedicated to supporting clients in their journey towards relationship development. By assisting them in identifying their relationship goals, she provides valuable knowledge, skills, tools, and strategies that empower her clients to achieve lasting fulfillment. As a voice-over artist, Mieke merges her love for mental health with her creative talents. She is the proud creator of "Karma Mind," a transformative guided meditation podcast that explores the profound healing benefits of meditation and mindfulness practice.

Mieke lives in Stamford, Connecticut with Dragon šŸ‰ and two kittens, Samson and Delilah. In her free time, she combines her love of mental health with that of her training as a voice-over artist. She is the creator of a guided meditation podcast, “Karma Mind”, that focuses on the healing benefits of meditation and mindfulness practice. Her fondness of meditation stems from the work of Dr. Marsha M. Linehan, the founder of Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), an evidence-based offspring of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), which incorporates Eastern meditative processes.

Karma Mind Meditations (Android)
Karma Mind Meditations (Apple)
Insight Timer Meditations
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