One From The Vault

The Little Liar

Oct 31, 2021

Are you aware of the fact that what you KNOW was taught to you and may not be what is? If so, are you willing to leave the cave of the known to venture into the unknown?

THE FIRST STEP TOWARDS REACHING YOUR GOALS AND THE STATE I CALL THE CALM, is to venture into the Unknown. In Buddhism, this realm is referred to as No Man's Land and it’s where you reach and achieve SUMADHI or a state of enlightened CALM where you are not only in a FLOW STATE, but one that is no longer DISTRACTED #INDISTRACTABLE from things that don’t matter and the things that you have no control over. A place where most things you are concerned with fall away and what reappears is indifference between perception and non-perception, neither thing nor NO-THING, neither consciousness nor unconsciousness. No man's land. Everything becomes open and new.

So..... what I’m saying is it’s pretty chill and cool. Your response system is rock solid to the happenings of your life experience. If so, if you are ready to take this leap, I’m excited for you and congratulate you on starting your new life as the chief architect, director, and leading role in a fantastic comeback story and life of purpose. A shift from dark to light.

There is often a misunderstanding between the conscious and subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is not yours. It belongs to the outside forces that programmed it. Call them MFTPS or yesterday. The first step towards consciousness is to recognize this difference between your programmed subconscious mind and your new mindful curious and creative mind. This recognition can only be attained with your conscious mind.

Renee Descartes is famous for saying, "I think therefore I am."

This statement makes us conscious of the fact that anything can be called into doubt or acceptance. What are you doubting and what are you embracing with your thinking mind? Which mind is doing that thinking? Your programmed unconscious mind or your curious and adventurous mind? Have you ever become aware of the conversation you are having with yourself in your mind? Who are you speaking to? Is that voice in your head representing your conscious or programmed unconscious mind? I call this inner critic and inner voice the LITTLE LIAR.

If I ask myself a question, I am bouncing a question off of the analytical « known » part of my mind. We know that 95% of our thoughts, feelings, and actions are carried out by our instincts and learned behaviors. This stuff was all learned from the programmers in our life experience. The MFTPS. This is why I became conscious and open to the fact that the voice in my head that is telling me what is and what isn’t, what I should or shouldn’t do, what I can or can’t do, what is a good idea or bad idea etc. is a liar. That voice means well but it’s been trained over the years to protect the subconscious analytical mind's position on things.

So how do we break this pattern and free ourselves from this mental prison and prison guard we’ve identified as the little liar?

Recognize it and become curious about it. This is a conscious behavior. To question the known and become curious of the unknown. Check the facts in your life. Do you see forward progress towards your desired state or oscillation? Do you have dreams that are not coming closer to your reality? Are you resisting things?

Part of your little liar's job is to distract you from and resist the unknown. I say it’s his job because your consistent unconscious habits and behaviors have delegated this job to him. He’s just trying to support what he thinks is right for you. It’s effective because what we resist persists. So once conscious of this idea, you can make sense of why he’s doing this and in his world, he’s not lying. He’s just against change. We know that challenge comes before change so he steps in during the challenge and gets you to consider it a waste of time or a mistake before engaging.

So it’s crucial that we make this distinction and then see that the little liar is just part of the challenge and obstacle that stands in between you and your new compelling desired UNKNOWN state. In fact, I’ve become so conscious of this process that I’ve rewired my brain to consciously validate the idea that I’m into something big and near a level up when the little liar shows up and resists change. That’s how I know I’m on track. So like the monster in the closet, or under the bed, I have befriended and partnered with the little liar. He’s like the pig that leads me to the truffles.