One From The Vault

On Course

Nov 27, 2021

There is something big going on here folks.

I feel there is a shift going on where we are all starting to realize that we are on a special journey in a special vehicle that carries an opportunity that few people experience in life.

Have you noticed your belief system about you and your potential changing? Or maybe just noticing you are starting to question the concepts you were taught about your success from your programmers? MFTPS. What if I told you that you are already successful and simply need to get out of your own way and allow that success to manifest from potential into reality?

The win doesn’t come from a shift in luck or from timing. It comes from a shift in your perception of the happenings in life. Loss will always occur. Your win lies in the shift in how you perceive the loss. We’re all on a course to somewhere and if that somewhere is not where you desire to go, you must do something to change it.

Remember that nowhere is somewhere too. Habits are how we put that course on autopilot. When we look at these habits, they can support our physical, mental, and financial goals.

So where are you headed?  Where are you on course to go? Is it your desired place or someone else’s?

To determine what crop you are growing, you look at the seeds you’re planting and the watering of those seeds. When you look at your daily consistent activities, YOU'RE looking at the seeds. If you notice you are still planting the seeds that grew a previous crop that left you unsatisfied, catch yourself drifting into that old pattern and shift. Shift back to planting the right seeds in activities and behavior. There is a structured seed planting system that was created by those that traveled before you and have what you desire. The successful farmers.

If you wanted to grow corn, wouldn’t it make sense to follow the steps that a successful corn farmer did? Or would you try to come up with another way that didn’t require the hard-working etc? If that farmer, at no cost, offered you help to guide and support you in growing this crop, would you take it or try to wing it yourself with no experience? If that experienced farmer gave you a structure of how often to plant the seeds and how often to water them, would it make sense to follow that structure?

Reminder: They have what you desire. If you looked at all the storylines of those that achieved the success you desire and noticed that they all failed forward! They all did it over time! They all faced fears and challenges yet pushed through anyway. Would you follow that pattern and react differently to setbacks? Maybe even look at those setbacks as proof you are on track?