One From The Vault

Check Yourself

May 01, 2022

Read this only if you have the desire to shift and feel like there is more to life than you've been told. 

Metamorphosis: a change of the form or nature of a thing or person into a completely different one, by natural or supernatural means.

Many of us are in the throes of a metamorphosis. Finding ourselves in the space between our old self and future new. Like a caterpillar in a cocoon that is not a caterpillar nor a butterfly. This part of the process can be confusing and even scary at times. A feeling of not knowing if we are coming and going as we always like to feel like we know where we are and where we are heading. So we naturally have a tendency to bail on the process and revert back to a safe place in our past or latch onto the identity of an organized movement of other people following a leader.

What I like to teach my clients and coaches is acceptance in the process. This transitional and sometimes confusing time is an organic expected part of the process of transformation. This metamorphosis. Once they learn to accept the fact that they are in that phase and space between, they regain the feeling of control and awareness of where they stand. This gives rise to patience and helps them chill out and enjoy the ride.

What phase are you in?

Are you experiencing a metamorphosis or are you catching yourself latching onto to an expired version of yourself or following the lead and playing the role of someone that someone else created?

Enjoy the ride folks. This life experience is yours and nobody else's. You share it with others but it's yours and it’s awesome.