One From The Vault

Standard Deviation

Mar 27, 2022

In statistics, the standard deviation is a measure of the amount of variation or dispersion of a set of values. A low standard deviation indicates that the values tend to be close to the mean of the set, while a high standard deviation indicates that the values are spread out over a wider range. In observation today of the fact that we judge our own abilities and accuracy of executing things based on comparative realities. Meaning, we base our success on being right or completing tasks with success related to the NORM and the HERD. I assume this is part of our programmed desire to move towards the popular vote. But why would anyone want to be standard? Or even follow the gold standard?

We know that growth takes place outside the comfort zone. We know that the biggest breakthroughs in science or psychology have come from the crazy few that deviate from the standard way of thinking and doing. So there is value for sure in following the gold standard of a structured system that we know leverages success. We can follow a structured marketing plan or a lead generator or even an exercise and nutrition plan. I do this. I may get a variance in my results (standard deviation) due to uncontrollable factors like genetics and timing etc.. But where in our lives must we look to deviate from the standard practice of things to find our breakthrough?

We can all benefit from doing uncomfortable, unusual things each day. In fact, I encourage my clients to set aside a few minutes to an hour each day and try new ways of ding things. Shake things up and explore new frontiers by taking left turns instead of the normal right turns. Do something wrong rather than the suggested right. Set a goal to deliberately fail rather than succeed.

My gift to you this day is one of self awareness in how safe you are playing your life. Are you in a structure and vehicle that is time tested to move you towards your desired state with an expected standard deviation? If so, great! That’s worth your time and effort. But where in your life are you expressing the voluntary shake up? Doing some research and development of your genius. Unlocking doors and maybe even uncovering why you're here. Do you think you are here to just do a good job at following a standard that was set by the herd? Or perhaps, is there a breakthrough you’re set to make by straying from this herd and following your heart and gut?

Let’s set up some time each day to deviate from the standard and let your crazy out!