One From The Vault


Jan 03, 2022

DEMYTHOLOGIZATION: to eliminate all mythical elements from (a piece of writing, esp the Bible) so as to arrive at an essential meaning.

What an awesome word that resonates with me big time. To eliminate all mythical elements of something so as to arrive at an essential meaning. Now, the concept of demythologization comes from Rudolf Bultmann, a prominent theologian and New Testament scholar in the 20th century. 

Bultmann believed that the New Testament was simply the human account of the writers’ divine encounter with God in Christ. According to Bultmann, the Gospel writers used the only terms and concepts they had available to them at the time, and those terms and concepts were inextricably bound to the miraculous and supernatural, which Bultmann saw as a myth.

I don’t take a stance on what was or was not essentially the truth when it comes to religion and feel that what the seeker seeks they see snd believe and that’s cool with me as I do the same. However, I know that we as humans struggle a lot due to some myths we’ve been taught about ourselves and about life that have a tendency to run our lives and call our shots. What are some myths that you’ve bought into about yourself? Are things like Timing, Self Belief, and Motivation required to succeed in life?

Do you sometimes feel like you are at a disadvantage in life due to your circumstances? Do you sometimes feel like you must fight the self-defeating thoughts in your head that tell you what you can or can’t do? 

Well, I sure struggled with that. In fact, I used to refer to these outside and inside negative thoughts and feelings as dragons 🐉 swooping over my head with the intro on of plaguing my mind with concepts of self-worth, victimization, and pending doom that I was destined to experience. This lead to things like depression and anxiety which set up camp in my brain. So, naturally, I gave these dragons power and somehow thought my goal in life, should I want to succeed would be to fight them off. To become a DragonSLAYER. Until I started doing this work with the IRS and learning skills like WHOLEOGRAPHIC VISION and COGNITIVE DISTANCING and gained the ability to see I was fighting things that didn’t actually exist. 

By fighting such things, I in fact brought them into existence. By unveiling the potential that the very idea of a fire-breathing dragon represented a myth that many cultures gave value to regardless of there never actually being a “dragon sighting” I made a breakthrough. This breakthrough is yours now.

What concepts and beliefs do you feel and give value to that are simply myths? Check the facts, identify they only exist from second-hand gossip or a belief system programmed into your mainframe by others. Next, take that fear or concept and get close with it to expose it as an imposter. Or maybe get so close to your biggest fear that you partner with it. Demythologize it and take it on like the Dragon has. As your personality. Does this shit make any sense to you? Let me know!